A Way to Live Spirit
Meditation | Weekend Workshops | Residential Retreats | Consultations
We are living in an age where it is challenging to hold a sense of what is sacred, and what is fundamentally essential in our lives in regards our inner well-being and experience of ‘place and purpose - of connection and belonging.’
A Way to Live Spirit programmes, provide a safe, intimate environment in which to explore and gain a deeper experience of our self, and to build a contemporary foundation in Spirit.
The work follows an inquiry-process, journeying into the interior realms of self, exploring who we are as a soul and in spirit, and the purpose of incarnate life; it follows the emergent themes existent within the group, utilizing creative-media to intuitively and safely, explore and reflect upon these matters as they relate to us personally and collectively: emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. It is an embodied and integrative process, opening us to the potency and intent of the soul. Enlisting creativity enables us to access the interior realms of self, intuitively and spontaneously bringing to the surface the wisdom and knowing, the memories and constructions that inform and shape us as women seeking to live a conscious, creatively productive life. In this facilitated process, principles in transpersonal and eastern philosophies are examined where appropriate. Meditation and contemplative processes provide a sacred holding of the groups journeying. The work is experientially based.
Methodologies: group-centred process, teaching in transpersonal, metaphysical principles and the Ageless Wisdoms (Esoteric Philosophies), meditation, ritual, movement, sound, and creative mediums as expressive and contemplative tools.
Participants will:
be involved in an intimate, and interactive group process
develop intuition, sensory perception, creative-imagining and creative expression
directly experience an active spiritual field
grow understanding and knowledge base of embodied, spiritual practice, promoting integration
foster a greater sense of meaning, purposefulness, and connectedness in their life
Programmes are offered as introductory Weekend Workshops, or as Residential Retreats
A Way to Live Spirit meditation, is for women who wish to develop a meditation-practice based in contemporary, feminine principles. Guidance will be given in a spiritual practice that embraces the whole self, that holds sacred the embodied experience recognising the journey of life as an expression of soul-intention. Regular meditation develops a sense of peace and inner well-being, and conscious, meaningful purpose in life.
It develops the intuitive, creative self, and most essentially builds a bridge to a direct experience of Spirit, a sense of the Presence behind all life. Contemplative processes facilitate the journey into the interior realms of self; meditation grows and aligns our connection to soul and to Spirit. It offers insight to the purpose of incarnate life, accessing and growing our wisdom, and our knowing. An invocational field within the Divine Feminine is purposefully activated, holding the group within a safe and enlivened space.
Guidance and teaching in transpersonal, metaphysical principles and the Ageless Wisdoms (Esoteric Philosophies), in meditation, contemplative process, invocational prayer and creative-ritual will be offered.
Participants will:
be involved in an intimate, sacred group process that builds a sense of spiritual community
develop intuition, sensory perception, and creative-imagining
experience and grow knowledge base of embodied, spiritual practice
align with the Divine Feminine Presence and Christ-consciousness
Expressions of Interest Welcomed
Weekend Workshops
Self in Creation: A non-residential weekend workshop for women
Self in Creation is offered as a weekend, non-residential format to provide participants with an introductory level experience.
Residential Retreats
Living Spirit Retreats residential retreats for women offer an immersement in a profound, creative, transformative process. Living together for four / five days in this focused environment, provides a unique opportunity to release the outer world and all its distractions - to focus deeply within. Much care is taken to build the group relationship, providing a safe container for women to explore the depth and breadth of who they are, to express themselves creatively, and to access and grow their connection with their soul’s intention and purpose. An active spiritual field is purposefully created supporting the magical, life enhancing work. The residential retreats are held in places of natural beauty, the sharing of good food and personal story, the making of art, and the embodied process through movement and sound, all part of the tapestry of awakening to the divine potency of the creative spirit residing within us all. A sense of spiritual community and companionship is built.
Programme limited to 9 participants
Expression of interest are welcomed.
One to one consultation with Suzanne is offered to people who wish to explore issues or queries from a transpersonal perspective (meaning that they are seeking to align and integrate their personal experience and functioning with their soul-energy). Ideally the sessions occur in person, but if distance makes this not possible, sessions can take place on-line. Suzanne works with a combination of personal process, clairsentience, and metaphysical healing, responsive to the client’s needs. Sessions range from one hour to one and a half hours.
Inquiries Welcome
‘Suzanne has an innate and unique ability to work with what is present and what lies hidden. Artfully coupled with creative processes e.g. art making, Suzanne uses this ability to facilitate and hold an environment for deep revelation, healing and an opportunity for continued growth’
- Amy - Contract Project Manager
‘Suzanne was my very first teacher and guide when I first began to inquire into what spirituality meant and who/what my soul is. Through one-to-one private sessions with Suzanne and then deep experiential group retreats that she facilitated, I learnt how to meditate, reconnect with my creative self and began to open my awareness into a consciousness grounded in the Divine Mother. The methodology and structure of these sessions created a safe and potent container to experience Spirit. These retreats were always a catalyst for deep personal growth and understanding of Self, and a sacred gathering for sisterhood for which I will always treasure.
Suzanne brings a highly professional and contemporary perspective into her work. She integrates the use of creative modalities and meditation, making the esoteric very accessible. Her intuitive and psychic guidance was always presented in a way I could easily receive and apply in my life. The conversations were always an entry into the multidimensional through structured inquiry.
In today’s spiritual marketplace, there is much to choose from for our soul’s growth and expansion.
Yet rarely do you find teachers and facilitators, like Suzanne, who carry the wisdom of ancient prophecies and are here to share with those ready to receive. I am forever grateful to Suzanne’s leadership and guidance for shaping my ascension journey.’
- Dheepa - Mentor, Intuitive Guide, Artist, Mother
‘Suzanne has a lovely warm, engaging manner. When you are with her, you know she is very present, and you have her full attention, whether it is 1 on 1 or a group session.
She has deep knowledge regarding creativity and connection with the self. In my work with Suzanne, I was able to explore more of who I am, what makes me who I am and how to express that in the world.
I would highly recommend her work.’
- Allison - Change Coach
My interest in what Suzanne offered was piqued by 2 words: creativity and spontaneity. I undertook many fabulous retreats with Suzanne; workshops, meditation groups; one to one sessions, in my life’s intriguing sacred journey.
There is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful for what this work, and others has enable me to create for myself; peace, joy, strength, contentment, wisdom, connection and a deep compassion for humanity.
There was no one moment in this that was not part of this miraculous unfolding healing path for me.
- Leonie - Nurse, Midwife, Lactation Consultant
Suzanne Vesty - M.F.A., M. App. Sci.SE (Distinction), Dip. Drama, Post-Grad. Dip.Tchg.
Suzanne has over 40 years of experience as an educator, transpersonal therapist, and mentor in creativity-centred human development.
She was the Founding Director of Wings (1988 - 2008), and Director of Spark Studio (2007 – 2015).
Throughout her career, she has delivered many innovative programmes within diverse community contexts, including an extensive programme of retreats and private consultation based on the transpersonal creative process. She was a Registered Celebrant for 26 years, developing a deep knowledge of inclusive, spiritual, and humanist rituals, and a Registered Art Therapist. She has long been a student and teacher of the ancient wisdoms and creativity-centred philosophies.
She is a practicing and exhibiting visual artist. Metaphysical reality has always been central in her life, as has been expression through the creative arts, her personal journey informing and shaping a depth of perception, knowledge, and wisdom.