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Suzanne is located North of Auckland,
New Zealand
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Creativity-centred philosophies embrace the divine aspect of ourself that resides within our core; a core that is in essence, an individual point of creation, an integral expression of the One Life.
Everything in existence, animate or inanimate, is birthed from an act of creation, an expression of the Three Aspects: Will, Love and Intelligence. Everything, formless or of form, visible or of the ethers, is interconnected, interrelated, all elements playing a synergistic role, no matter how minute or how vast, in the eternally evolving Manifest Body and Being of God.
Creativity-centred philosophies concern our aligning with The Divine, and engaging consciously in the seeking of our soul purpose in life, of accessing this point of creation that exists within us. As we seek to know more of who we really are, so we awaken to our unique creative expression and the passage we walk on this earth. It has us face ourself in all the dimensions of what it is to be human on an evolutionary journey – and the ways in which we can meaningfully contribute to humanity and the world in which we live.
Our creativity emerges from this core intent. To come to know, to understand, to express and articulate this essence into the world, is to find purpose and the voice of Being.
The Feminine Pathway is The Way of the Mother. This is not exclusive of men. The Feminine in this sense resides within both men and women, as indeed, does the masculine principle: they are the yin and yang, the light and dark, the Mother-Father of all Life. Essentially the Feminine Principle concerns Divine Intelligence, the great force of being, the Cosmic Mother, that informs and constitutes all matter within every aspect of planetary life and cosmos. She is the intelligent builder of life – she holds the Wisdom and knowingness of the manifestation of form. She rules the great planes of angelic substance. The Masculine principle produces the Will and Purpose to initiate and direct life.
The pathway of the Mother is inclusive, and all embracing. Every expression or form in life, in all its diversity and extremities, is innately understood as a sacred and essential part of the human journey to Spirit and the unfolding production of Life. To walk the way of the Feminine is to enter deeply into a field that is alive with angelic substance, that is intuitive, creative, fluid, sensual - that accesses ancient wisdoms and knowledge, holding sacred all expressions of life.
Embodied in this reference means to have a principle, a quality of energy, ‘authentically present’ within one’s personal self and functioning. Embodied is to understand that as human beings incarnate, we seek to demonstrate, to live this principle congruently and truthfully within the spectrum of our body, mind and spirit. Creativity-centred philosophies understand the personality self to be a sacred vessel and vehicle for spirit; for the soul, over many lifetimes, to eventually infuse, and enlighten the physical, emotional, and mental self. The personality is not something to be dominated, oppressed, or overcome by the Higher Self but to be embraced, and lovingly informed; the physical, emotional and mental bodies each playing a crucial, equable role, in eventually learning
through the crucible of a life lived, to articulate the soul’s full emanation within form.
Creativity-centred philosophies do not deny the feeling life, rather seeing it as an essential
experience of being that informs and reflects to us congruent, and authentic states of who we are, at whatever moment, at whatever point, we are on our evolutionary journey. From this acceptance and authentic seeing of self, reflection occurs, awareness can grow, the psyche develops, and consciousness expands. Embodiment emerges out of the lived-experience, fostering the growth of Love-wisdom, lending a ‘containment of Being’ that is radiant.